Tuesday, December 9, 2014

It is not always easy

Life is Beautiful

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” – Isaiah 55:8-9

When God interrupts your plans, when something in life changes unexpectedly and leaves you frustrated, sad, lost or angry. That is what happened. I feel ill-equipped, unconfined and overwhelmed with the new responsibilities we are about to take on as we received the news that one of our pastors; my husbands boss, a friend, a father, and spiritual counselor, is leaving. For me this news was so sudden but it had been in the works. My husband and I have been trying to figure out what life is going to look like for us in the near future. We have been struggling here and there with thoughts and my low self esteem has me constantly hoping and dreaming for new situations that I feel might be better for me. I do this so often and right when I think something good, something that I want is going to happen God presents a new situation leaving us here in the same spot. I'm worried for our new responsibilities in ministry for I am only human too, but I'm holding tight to God's promise and trusting that he will make all ways straight for us. I know and need to trust that he will get us through this. That He will equip us with the necessary things to help others overcome the news, to help others put their frustrations aside and as followers of Christ come together to build each other up and love on one another. My prayers are that our leaders will support us, put aside any bitterness in their hearts around the students, love them and keep them rooted in Christ. 

"Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established, in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude." -Colossians 2:6-7

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